Image of American Shorthair classic silver tabby lying on wood floor face view

About Us

Click here to reserve a Kitten

Great to meet you!

We purchased our first American Shorthair in 2004, not long after our youngest daughter was born.  It didn’t take long until we were head over heels smitten for our sweet little brown tabby kitten. We were blown away by her unbelievably soft coat, affectionate spirit and confident nature.  We were hooked and knew American Shorthairs were the cats for us.

Not long afterward,  we received our first male American Shorthair, a beautiful silver tabby kitten, from Kerry & Marian Schorsch of  And that was the beginning of our incredible experience breeding and raising classic silver tabbies.

Black and white image of little girl with American Shorthair silver tabby cat winning best in show
Our first ASH male Horatio wins Best of Show at local cat show

Since 2004 we have operated Talariah cattery in a sweet little agricultural community of southeastern Washington in the midst of Washington wine country.  Talariah is the name of our farm, and is an acronym based on the names of  each of our 4 daughters.

Fast forward 13 years time, we reconnected with Kerry and Marian once again, seeking to add another female to our breeding program.  However, as it turned out Kerry & Marian were instead looking to retire from their cattery.  Together we decided to combine our programs, to continue the cattery and bloodlines here at Talariah

In the midst of the worst winter we have seen in decades, Kerry boldly trekked from his home in North Dakota, to our farm in Walla Walla, to meet us in person and deliver his beautiful sire, Mr. Silver Shadow to our cattery and our family.

Image of three people holding American Shorthair silver tabby cat on snowy day
Mr. Silver Shadow arrives at Talariah in January 2017

We look forward to meeting and working with each of you as we continue the incredible bloodlines that Kerry & Marian have begun with

Brent & Thyra